CORE is a 501c5 association established to protect and improve pension and healthcare benefits for all retired City of Fort Worth employees, spouses and dependents. The voice of retirees, spouses and dependents to the Employee Retirement Fund Board (ERF), the City Council, City Hall and the public. A clearinghouse for the dissemination of information to retirees, spouses and dependents.
How CORE Works for You
- Participated in the development of two options for receiving Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA)
- Campaigned to get the death benefit increased to $5,000
- Co-sponsored two Candidates’ forums
- Permanent representatives on the Employee Retirement Fund Board and the Retiree Health and Benefits Committee
- Constantly monitors the City Council meetings, the ERF Board, the State’s legislature, and any other meetings dealing with City of Fort Worth retiree issues.